Posted on 28th Jan 2015
Mark Carlos (Left), MISTRAS Group Executive Vice President Products & Systems, receiving the ASTM Award of Merit from our International Board Director.
In 2014, Mark Carlos, Group Executive Vice President, Products & Systems Division, was awarded with the American Society of Testing and Materials International (ASTM) Award of Merit. The Award of Merit is the highest society award granted to a member, and with it, the recipient receives the honorary title of Fellow.
Candidates, like Mark, are honored for their distinguished service and performance both professionally and within the ASTM community. Since 2005, Mark has been the recipient of several major ASTM awards.
Mark holds an integral role within MISTRAS’ Products & Systems Division, in addition to an active role as Chairman for his ASTM chapter. His participation in ASTM International has mirrored his professional accomplishments, having previously received the Outgoing Chairman Award, 10 Year Service Award, Charles W. Briggs Award and Service Award, during the last 10 years.